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Absolutely Fish Naturals Chromo Pellets now available!

Spotted Drum
Spotted Drum Spotted Drum Spotted Drum
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Absolutely Fish Naturals

Spotted Drum

Regular price $219.99

Latin Name: Equetus punctatus
Common Name: 
Spotted Drum, Spotted Ribbon Fish
Misc. Community as babies, Misc. Preadtory as adults
Adult Full Size: 10"
Min. Tank Size:
Safe for Reef Tanks:
UV Required:
Skimmer Required:
Vit C Soaked Pellets, Live Brine, Mysis Shrimp, Bloodworms, Plankton

The Spotted Drum is a very unique fish from the Caribbean. As a juvenile they are very small and peaceful with distinct black and white striping. They are identifiable by their long, elegant dorsal fin. When they are juveniles, their dorsal and anal fins are longer than their body. As they mature, they grow into the dorsal fin, making it appear shorter than when juveniles. They also grain some spot patterns on their body as they grow older. This fish is extremely sensitive and should be handled with care. This fish is also known to be picky with food, so extra effort is needed to prevent starvation. As a juvenile this fish is peaceful, but will be semi-aggressive and predatory as an adult. They are named after the low drum-like sound they emit.

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